Гор Л.

Гор Леанід (Гор Леонид)

Нарадзіўся ў Мінску. Калі ён быў маленькім хлопчыкам, хацеў стаць аэрапланам (з двумя прапелерамі), але пазней стаў мастаком. Вучыўся ў Беларускай акадэміі мастацтваў. Да таго, як ён з'ехаў у ЗША (1991), ілюстраваў шмат кніг. У Штатах працуе ілюстратарам, распрацаваў шмат вокладак да вядомых дзіцячых кніг. Зараз жыве ў Оклендзе, Нью-Джэрсі, разам са сваёй жонкай і дачкой.

Родился в Минске. Когда он был маленьким мальчиком, хотел стать аэропланом (с двумя пропеллерами), но позже стал художником. Учился в Белорусской Академии искусств. До того как он уехал в США(1991)  иллюстрировал много книг. В Штатах работает иллюстратором, разработал множество обложек для известных детских книг. Сейчас живет в Окленде, Нью-Джерси, вместе со своей женой и дочерью.

Leonid Gore is an award winning artist, illustrator and author. Born and raised in Belarus, he studied art at the Academy of Arts in Minsk. Since 1990, he has been living in the United States, where his enormous talent has been recognized throughout the publishing world. He has illustrated over thirty children’s books, five of which he also wrote. Critics have praised his work as "visually stunning" and "brilliant.” His books have been honored as IRA Children's Choice books and Publishers Weekly Best Books of the Year, have received starred reviews from the School Library Journal, and the Kirkus and Boston Globe/Horn Book magazines, and have been recognized as part of 100 Great Children’s Books by the New York Public Library.

Leonid has illustrated the covers of many distinguished books, including those written by
Eve Bunting, Phillip Pullman, Avi, Jim Murphy, and Franny Billingsley.
His paintings have appeared on the covers of Washington Post, and inside Tennis Magazine, Sporting News Magazine, Auto Week, Inside Sports, Fine Cooking, Medical Economics, Guideposts, and Scenario.

His original artwork has regularly been accepted into the prestigious Society of Illustrators
juried Original Art Shows, and The Annual Exhibitions of the best in current illustration.
Leonid Gore lives in Oakland, New Jersey, and works out of his studio on the banks of the Ramapo River.

(by leonidgore.com/info)